Principal's Message

Our Mission Statement
- Educational Excellence for all pupils
- Respect for self and others
- Care in the home, school and community
I hope you enjoy browsing our website and find it engaging and informative whilst giving you an insight into the busy place Edmund Rice College is.
We are much more than a school!
In Edmund Rice College we provide a pupil centered, broad and balanced curriculum reflecting the needs of all pupils with the aim of maximising their life chances. We strive, as a school community, to ensure that each student has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We do this within a learning environment that is safe, positive, respectful, inclusive, and welcoming.
Our ethos permeates all that we do and creates an environment of caring and support. Pupils are encouraged to have ambitious aspirations and are motivated in pursuit of these.
Past pupils have progressed into all walks of life including the professions, finance, skilled trades, engineering, mechanical, office and clerical work, leisure and entertainment and the clergy. Many past pupils retain a strong link with the school including involvement at Board of Governor level. An even greater number send their children to Edmund Rice College and I feel this confidence in the school is a great testament to what we do.
Through provision of a broad range of curricular and extra curricular activities and the promotion of a positive outlook to life, we develop the whole individual. The professionalism of all staff is evidenced in their work and performance. Their commitment to Continued Professional Development ensures modern techniques, methodologies and technologies are employed in both teaching and learning. Our school is deeply rooted in our communities and reflects the diversity therein. The triangular partnership between the school, the home and the community allows us to create a school that pupils aspire to go to, feel welcome at, perform well in and which the community is proud of.
Mr P Berne