Exam Success in Edmund Rice College 2013
Exam Success in Edmund Rice College 2013
The boys in EdmundRiceCollege were in celebratory mood on Thursday having achieved a terrific set of GCSE results. An impressive record breaking 82% of pupils recorded 5 or more GCSEs at A* to C, the highest total ever recorded for the school. Mr Friel the Principal of the college stated, “these results reflect the ongoing hard work of the pupils and teachers in the school. As a result of these continued efforts, the college is going from strength to strength and will continue to do so in the future”. The outstanding GCSE results cap off a great year for the school during which many successes, both sporting and academic, have been celebrated. Mr Friel went on to express his pride in the achievements of the boys in what is his first year as Principal and also said “parents and pupils alike should take great pride in these results and look forward to returning to the school to pursue further study. I am particularly pleased with the fact that 96% of pupils achieved a qualification in at least one STEM subject.”. A very large proportion of our pupils are returning to Edmund Rice and a number are joining from other local schools. These students will follow a variety of pathways leading them towards Higher Education, further education or Employment. All in all the future looks bright on the Hightown Road.