Google Classroom Parental Guide
Dear Parent/Guardian,
It has been great to see all our pupils make their full return to Edmund Rice College over the past few days. As the pupils return to school, they will all be assigned their individual subject Google Classrooms. This is in the event that the school needs a contingency plan over the forthcoming months. Furthermore, all pupil homework and assessment will be carried out through this platform.
Please find attached a parental training video for Google Classroom. All pupils have been trained during induction on Google Classroom and by this stage should be added to most of their subject classrooms. These individual classrooms will enable greater interaction with the teacher.
Please watch the video and ask your child to show you the range of classrooms that they are assigned to. Homework will be set on Google Classroom for most subjects over the forthcoming weeks.
Thank you for your ongoing co-operation and support.
Mr Berne.