Access Keys:

Edmund Rice College, Glengormley

Mid Term Break

15th Oct 2020

Good afternoon Parents/Guardians.

Yesterday it was announced by the Executive that schools and other education settings will have the half-term holiday break extended from the 19th to the 30th of October due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, Edmund Rice College will be closed to all pupils during these two weeks. We will reopen on Monday 2ndNovember 2020.

Schools are closed to all pupils and as this is an extension of the half-term break, it is not intended to be used for remote learning. Pupils who will sit public examinations will have some work and revision to complete. During the weekbeginning 19th October 2020, direct payments will be made to pupils in receipt of free school meals.

Thank you for all your support over the first half-term. Our staff, pupils and families have been a credit to the school and I am extremely proud of how our entire ERC community have adapted to all the challenges.

Enjoy the rest and we look forward to welcoming the pupils back on Monday 2nd November.

Take care,

Mr P Berne.