Business Studies
Mrs G Davey (HOD)
Mrs S McKee
Mrs S Woods
Mrs C McCann
Business Studies at Level 2 and 3 provides an opportunity to study real life business through a variety of learning techniques; group work, worksheets, discussions, research, homework, and presentations. Students can access help through class support, revision classes and internet resources. Studying Business Studies can help students seek employment or go on to university. In Business Studies students can develop many different skills and knowledge that can help them follow their chosen career path.
Subject key facts
Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Business 100% Portfolio |
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 First Certificate in Business 75% portfolio, 25% exam |
The Business Environment |
Enterprise in the Business World |
Business Resources |
Finance for Business (Exam) |
Introduction to Marketing |
Promoting a Brand |
Business Communication |
Recruitment, selection & employment |
Recruitment and selection in Business |
Principles of Marketing (Exam) |
Health and safety in the workplace |
Financial Planning & Forecasting |
Business Online |
1 classroom
2 networked computer room with Wi-Fi access
Laser printer
Colour printer
Online department resources for each study unit

The Business Studies Department also hosts a number of Young Enterprise events to each year group. Young Enterprise Northern Ireland is a charity developing the entrepreneurial skills and aspirations of young people aged four to 25 to prepare them for the new economy. They develop the skills of young people to ensure they leave education prepared for life and work.