What is Literacy?

Literacy Coordinator
Mrs J Kennedy
"Literacy underpins all educational achievement... At the heart of its importance is the ability to develop human potential and raise self-esteem. Every person in the country should be able to experience that sense of being able to soar to a vantage point that being literate can bring."
These words, from Neil McClelland, Director of the National Literacy Trust, encapsulate the importance of Literacy at Edmund Rice College. Far from the misconception of being literate as a series of dreary and repetitive reading and writing exercises, we strive to bring literacy to life, giving it place and purpose for each pupil. Literacy is fundamental to Communication (through reading, writing and speaking) and Communication, to life.
Here at ERC, we focus on promoting Literacy in a variety of ways:
- Timetabled Literacy classes for every KS3 pupil;
- Afterschool Literacy classes to target specific Literacy needs;
- Use of ICT to stimulate and encourage learning;
- Celebrating World Book Day in March;
- Accelerated Reader Programme, allowing children to compete and celebrate success;
- Paired Reading Scheme;
- Public Speaking Competitions;
- ‘SALAD’ days;
- Cross curricular emphasis;
- ‘Recommended Reads’ list regularly updated on our website;
- The potential for Adult Literacy, Literacy Support or Evening Book Clubs for the community where interest allows.
It is also extremely important that we have your support. Your child can only succeed fully when the work started in school is developed at home.
The information in our Literacy Handbook for Parents has been put together to offer you advise on how to support your child’s literacy development at home, whatever stage they are at.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions regarding your child’s progress in literacy.