
Mrs E Murphy (HOD)
Mrs A Mallon
Mr D McClelland
Mrs C Thompson
Key Stage 3
Pupils experience mathematics in Edmund Rice College as a meaningful, stimulating and worthwhile subject with a considerable emphasis on the relationship of mathematics to the real world. Through extensive use of tablets and online learning pupils engage with their learning and are fully motivated to succeed. Edmund Rice College enables each pupil to become confident with mathematics through a targeted and individualised approach. Care is taken within the department to ensure that all students have equal access to the mathematics curriculum and that the teaching and learning maximises the potential of the individual.
Pupils requiring extra support receive paired numeracy support to help build their confidence in mathematics and develop their numerical skills. Pupils throughout Key Stage 3 can also attend our after school numeracy club to brush up on the basics and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate!
Key Stage 4
All pupils in years 11 and 12 are entered for GCSE Mathematics. Teaching and learning at this level encourages pupils to engage with their own learning and develop the thinking skills necessary for both collaborative and independent learning. All pupils are set homework using HegartyMaths [guide can be found under pupil section], an online learning platform with question sets and demonstration videos for each mathematical skill. Pupils also use this platform extensively for independent revision and consolidation.