
Mr C McCay (HOD)
Mrs S Boyle
Ms C McAllister
Mr M O’Hare
Mr G McAlorum
Mrs T Cunningham
Key Stage 3 Science
The KS3 science units extend the pupils scientific experience from primary school and continues to develop an appreciation of the importance of science in everyday life and the world of work. The three areas of study at this level are:
- Life processes and living things
- Materials and their properties
- Physical processes
In Year 8 the pupils receive two periods of science per week. A good balance of curriculum content along with practical and investigative science is taught from early in year 8 onwards.
GCSE - Key Stage 4 Science
The department offers both Single and Double Award Sciences from the Revised CCEA curriculum. Single Award students are timetabled for 3 periods a week, with Double Award studying 5 periods a week over a year 11 and 12.
Single Award science is broken down into 4 assessment units:
- Biology (Modular Exam in February of year 11)
- Chemistry (Modular Exam in November of year 12)
- Physics (Modular Exam in May of year 12)
- Investigative Skills (External Exam and practical from January year 12)
Single Award science is broken down into 7 assessment units:
- Biology 1 (Modular Exam in November of year 11)
- Chemistry 1 (Modular Exam in February of year 11)
- Physics 1 (Modular Exam in May of year 11)
- Biology 2 (Modular Exam in May of year 12)
- Chemistry 2 (Modular Exam in May of year 12)
- Physics 2 (Modular Exam in May of year 12)
- Investigative Skills (External Exam and practical from January year 12)
A-Level Life & Health Science – KS5 Science
This is a new A-level course offered by CCEA. Students have the opportunity to extend their knowledge and skills from Double Award GCSE science. The course is ideal for students looking to further their education in the Nursing and Science industries as it has a good balance of practical units and detailed A-level content.
AS Life & Health Science is broken down into 3 assessment units:
- Experimental Techniques – students develop their practical skills with 12 practical tasks and assignments in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The work is presented as a portfolio of work, and assessed as one third of their AS level.
- Human Body Systems – students learn about how the human body works and how to support good health. Topics include; the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, homeostatic mechanisms and Nutrition. This unit is assessed as an external exam and worth one third of their AS level.
- Aspects of Physical Chemistry in Industrial Processes – student develop skills in performing calculations in chemistry. They will apply their knowledge of Volumetric analysis, Kinetics, Energetic and Industrial Processes. This unit is assessed as an external exam and worth one third of their AS level.
All three units are worth 40% of overall A-level.
A2 Life & Health Science is broken down into 3 assessment units:
- Scientific Method, Investigation, Analysis and Evaluation – students undertake the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of what makes an investigation scientific. The work is presented as a portfolio of work, and assessed as one third of their A2 level.
- Organic Chemistry – students focus on basic reactions within organic chemistry. Three distinct areas: nomenclature, structures and polymers are studied. This unit is assessed as an external exam and worth one third of their A2 level.
- Genetics – students study the structure of DNA and develop an understanding of replication, protein synthesis, stem cells and gene therapies. This unit is assessed as an external exam and worth one third of their A level.
All three units are worth 60% of overall A-level.
Science Club
The Science Club runs once a week from 3 – 4pm a large proportion of the year. All students are welcome, but it is generally aimed at the junior school. Students can come along and enjoy some amazing science with friends. They can take part in fun experiments and exciting science investigations like:
- Make Slime
- Crystal Growing
- Alien Blood
- Fizzy Volcano
- DNA from Bananas?!
- Bottle Rockets
The Science Department has its very own Eco-garden with dipping pond, raised beds for growing fruit and veg, willow arch and dome, work benches, nature trail and even our own bridges! This natural resource is located at the rear of the school and is widely used by science students for collecting insects and plant samples, measuring pollution, water sampling and much more. We even aim to grow our own fruit and veg to cook in the Home Economics Department.
School Trips
Students from all Key Stages of Science will experience educational and fun trips as part of a broad science curriculum to places like:
Armagh Planetarium
BT Young Scientist at RDS Dublin
STEM work shops
Science Labs and Facilities
There are 4 fully equipped Science Labs in the department. Each lab is kitted out with a wide range of equipment, Interactive Whiteboards, access to mobile laptops and Wi-Fi, and even the departments very own Eco-garden on the school grounds.
Examination Results
The GCSE results obtained by pupils in Science at both single and double award have been consistently well above the national average, with 100% of students achieving at least 1 GCSE in Science. This achievement is due to enthusiastic department members, science resources available to the students, and the many number of science based extra-curricular activities run by the department for the students.